I'm looking to work on another audio drama. It's been over a year and I want to do something good. I've done a few but by favourite is the 1st minute of Drogo. (you can find it on my page)
I'm looking to do a horror or drama or even action. Something around 5-10 minute range. I'm not good with sci-fi or comedy.
Check out my submissions and see if you want me to work with your script. You'll get credit and I'll do all the work. Like, casting and everything else.
you can inbox me or email eisaysek[at]gmail[dot]com.
I'm a writer, but I'm not very reliable.
Well, I won't need much contact. Just a good script and I'll let you know when I'm done the project pretty much. If you have finished script and want me to do it just send it to me to review.