I'm looking for a writer. I suck at writing and I want to do an audio drama with this sort of content.
I want it based on the sick side of humanity. But I don't want some emo whiney sad shit. You'll get writing credit and I'll do all the work. [Mature content] Again, it's for an audio drama. check out my other stuff.
Here's my chopped of pieces of something I want made into a story.
Someone talking about humanity. I want the story 3-10 mins. Omnipresent
It should contain by talking about these subjects. They don't have to say it but they can suggest it in away.
rape, murder, drowning, racism, someone getting beaten down, torcher, manipulation, envy, greed, resentment, desire to dominate.
I'd like these quotes involved in the story somehow.
"I think we take a vicarious pleasure in the problems that they present, in the pain that they inflict, and not least of which in the demise that they suffer at some point,"
"It's like having a vaccine,"
"We all have a bit of the dark passenger in us, but it's your choice to take it anywhere."
"There's always been a dark side to humanity"
"dwelling on human degradation"
"the sordid, shady, and slimy, and neglecting the gracious and beautiful, the bright side of human nature"
ending on a light note possibly but not really.
Let me know if you're inspired and want to write something. email me at eisaysek[@]gmail[dot]com
I'll send you something by the end of next week