the style was cute and sound was alright.
the style was cute and sound was alright.
Good job.
I liked how you have drawn the robots. I really liked the way your credits was layed out too. Just need to practice with drawing your characters.
Well, that's the thing, they're not mine. And yeah, we could all use a little practice...
Pretty cool
I liked that you used the same color background. I was always wondering the size of the stage.
Thank you. (: I used 640x360 without a reason, lol!
Very professional
I like the style of the intro.
only critiques would be to speed up the movements of body parts like the stretching.
But real good reaction movements like when the kid said his name.
Thanks! I'll take that into consideration, I'm always working on all my stuff after they're "finished" so I'll speed up some of the stuff. Thanks for the tips!!!
I liked it...
But, Too bad you don't have your own style yet.
working on it ;)
"you obviously haven't watched power rangers! "
that was very nice! hope to see more.
glad you liked it :) waiting for someone to react to that line.
third one is gonna be here soonish!
Age 37, Female
Video Producer
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Joined on 11/21/06